Velocicharge Announces the Third Expansion of its Fast-Charge Network for Electric Cars in Puerto Rico

It will also have new charging stations, federal projects, environmental impact and technological innovation throughout the island.
Environment Report 2023 – Less CO2 Emission

Velocicharge’s commitment involves educating the public, collaborating with local businesses and governmental entities to transition to cleaner energy sources.
Our Public Stations
Learn how to use or APP
Speed Differences
Types of Charging Plugs
Types of EV
Activating Coupons for the first time

Velocicharge instructions to activate your Complimentary Charging Coupon for your brand new EV.
Revolutionizing Transportation: Meeting Customer Expectations in Puerto Rico’s EV Industry with NEVI Funds

As the world shifts towards sustainable energy, the electric vehicle (EV) industry is quickly gaining momentum. With increasing adoption rates, customers now have higher expectations for their EV experience.
Piecing together the charging infrastructure reliability puzzle

Rapid growth in EV charging infrastructure requires rapid adaptation and big-picture perspective.